
What is Adblock and how does it work?

AdBlock provides Twitch ad blocking like no other ad blocker on the market--literally. AdBlock is the only Firefox ad blocker with a unique way of hiding and muting all ads on your favorite Twitch streams.

What is the best ad blocker for Firefox?

AdBlock is the most popular ad blocker for Google Chrome and Safari. Now finally available for Firefox! All ads blocked by default. Block video ads on YouTube. Customize your filter lists. See how many ads you've blocked. Allow ads on your favorite sites in a snap. Speed up your browser. Most ads aren't even downloaded at all.

How to block YouTube ads on Firefox?

Many AdBlock users want to support YouTube creators they like, while continuing to block other ads on YouTube. AdBlock is the only YouTube ad blocker for Firefox that provides an easy option for allowing ads on your favorite channels. With just a few clicks, you can support your favorite content creators (while keeping ads blocked everywhere else).

What is webmail ad blocker?

Webmail Ad Blocker not only blocks all the box ads crowding the edges of your webmail, it also obliterates those sneaky ads that appear as unread messages. Ugh, gross. These are some of our favorite ad blockers. Feel free to explore more privacy & security extensions on addons.mozilla.org.


